Artist: Dee Chinn b.1976 to d.2018 "A life lived is a life remembered"
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Mural was subequently destroyed by repeated vandalism and not by City of Philadelphia order.
Mural ordered "painted over red" by Historical Commission
The City of Philadelphia has ordered a Mural at 410 S. 15th St. destroyed. The mural was subject of an unprecedented 3 full Historical Commission hearings. After six years, popular support, no apparent public objections, the motion to let the mural stand failed by one vote. Philadelphia is known as a city of murals. Despite the Historic Commission's repeated public proclamations it does not get involved in color, in the case of the only transgender mural inspired and drawn mural adjacent to the University of the Arts (supporter), it was ordered painted over red.
New Court date: L & I Review Board:Tuesday, August 14, 2007 Location: 1515 Arch St. 18th Floor Phila. Pa. @ 1:15 PM
This hearing is open to the public. Anyone can attend
Contact Info:For Info:Michael A. Sher: email: rent@pinere.com or rent@pinere.com or call Pine Realty # 215-735-8896 Monday to Friday 11am to 3PM
Lawyer: Harry J. Sher:
Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990 (VARA)
(3) subject to the limitations set forth in section 113(d), shall have the right-
(A) to prevent any intentional distortion, mutilation, or other modification of that work which would be prejudicial to his or her honor or reputation, and any intentional distortion, mutilation, or modification of that work is a violation of that right, and
(B) to prevent any destruction of a work of recognized stature, and any intentional or grossly negligent destruction of that work is a violation of that right.
Map of mural location
More Mural Pix
Press Coverage Links: In date order below
Philadelphia Inquirer Articles 2007
Weekly press:Waverly Street's Scarlet Mural 5-16-2007
Daily Pennsylvanian: A Center City fight for Artistic Freedom 2-21-2007
Philadelphia Weekly: Public Image Limited 1-24-2007
PGN:Historic Commission: Mural Must Go 1-19-2007
City Paper: Dual Murality 10-3-2002
Philadelphia Weekly:Off the Wall 8-07-2002
City Paper: Art Attack 4-11-2002
PGN:Mural Ordered Removed 1-19-2001
Mural Arts Project Bike Tour & Phila Weekly art notice
Experts and letters of support
Letter of support: Ef Campion
The opposition
Mural Legal oddities
Email to Michael Sher.
"but yes indeed, the Nazis focused on art (and the politics of art) even before they came to power. Among other things, the Nazis destroyed Oskar Schlemmer's great murals in the Folkwang Museum in Essen; they painted over Anton Faistauer's murals in Salzburg right after the Anschluss; and burned so-called "degenerate" art at the Berlin Main Fire House in 1939." Art as Politics in the Third Reich (University of North Carolina Press, 1996 available in paperback) Jonathan Petropoulos: Author John V. Croul Professor of European History Director, Gould Center for Humanistic Studies Associate Director, Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights Claremont McKenna College
Save the Mural at 410 S. 15th St home page
Excerpt of 1/2002 PGN article by Tim Cweik: Councilman Clarke support
